
User testing for the NDIS App

Company: NDIS

Client: NDIS

User testing for the ‘my NDIS mobile app’

This was the methodology and results of user testing for the ‘my NDIS mobile app’.

The objectives of the user testing conducted was to gain greater insights from our members who use the app on a day-to-day basis with large accessibility barriers. The methodology used in the study included recruiting a representative sample of users with a wide variety of disabilities from cognitive, hearing, and visual. This created some real user testing challenges and required the help of sign language translators, carers, and voice command tools. I designed and conducted the user testing sessions, and analysed the data collected. The user testing sessions were designed to gather feedback on the usability, accessibility, user satisfaction and overall experience of the product, including looking at accessibility improvements that could be enhanced. The testing methods used in this study include moderated and unmoderated testing as well as qualitative and quantitative methods. Due to the global pandemic all testing had to be carried out remotely. The study concluded by analysing and presenting key findings and insights that were identified and presenting back to the product owners and the design team. Summarising the key findings, highlighting areas of improvement, and providing recommendations for future user testing. Overall, this project demonstrates a thorough and user-centred approach to user testing that provides valuable insights to improve the accessibility for the user experience of the app.